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Death Stranding. I preordered the game. Then i started reading the early reviews of the game, and most of them were saying it was a FeDex sim, which totally drove me off. So basically i was thinking it was a bad game without even trying it. I had it sitting on my shelf for more than half a year. But then I decided it was a woth it a try, and the moment the song "dont be so serious" starts to play (early 10-15 mins on the game) I knew the mistake i made by not playing it earlier.

Metal Gear Solid 2. I was put off by the main character replacement, like everyone else. Once I made it past this idea, and start to actually play the game by its mechanics and story, wow, just wow, what a ride it was.

Blasphemous. Long story short. Was too hard at the beginning and didnt like too much that the character has a cone head (yeah, i know its very shallow this point of view). But when i caught the rhythm of the game, and after the last update, wounds of even tide, few games so simple (in terms of graphics) made me come back so many times for a replay.

Moonscars. Talking about difficulty, Blasphemous is a game for kids. This was the real deal. I didnt know you can remove the blood moon, so I played the game on hard from beginning to end. So before i started to play it for real, I stopped many times because i was expending more time dying than actually playing.

Metal Gear Solid 5. The new mechanics. They put me off for more than 4 years. When i decided it was time to remove this from my unfinished list I really pushed myself to play it, but then suddenly i didnt need to try so hard to keep playing. The game is a masterpiece (imo).

Those are the ones i can recall top of my mind. I played them for 15 mins, then I said meh, stopped. Then later on, I couldnt stop playing them second time I tried them.

EDIT: Added moonscars and elaborated a little bit on the reasons why.

Last edited by Knitemare - on 28 January 2024


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.