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Playstation 3 i will give current diverse games with one liners. Echochrome not a graphics whore puzzle game on perspective Everyday shooter variety of 7 levels with an addicting guitar music Pixel junk monsters " HURRY BUILD THE TOWERS, THE MONSTERS ARE COMING.' PS1 classics SPYRO Warhawk fly, shoot, melee, grenades, customize and War in a Hawk MGS4 BEST INTERACTIVE MOVIE OUT THIS SUMMER complete with online chokeholds! TEKKEN nothing can beat DEVIL JIN a ton of multiplats. Resistance ZOMG AND A SHOOTER?1 Ratchet ZOMG EVEN A PLATFORMER, THATS FUN??!! And Backwards compatibility (where applicable) that supports 1000+ titles, like God of War, Jak and Daxter, Final Fantasy, Socom, MGS series??!! DONE