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Like, I get it, I know this is an industry wide issue, but I also know Activision-Blizzard layoffs would have come eventually, due to redundancies and whatnot, overlapping positions, it was inevitable and it doesn't make business sense to have overlapping positions but it's still a shitty feeling, I also didn't expect it to happen this quickly or be this large to begin with, I can't help but feel sorry for the employees as well.

It doesn't change much about Xbox for me and all the stuff I'm excited about, nor does it affect me as a consumer (yet) but it's such a depressing trend in the industry of how many layoffs are happening, even with all the awesome games we're getting and these layoffs are going to damage employees long-term as well, damage them mentally that is, shit isn't okay.

But while I can understand redundancy in certain cases, even if it still sucks, I just cannot explain why development teams are being cut aside from "Quickly! We need more profits!" and that's short term thinking which will bite them in the ass long-term but that's just the market for you, companies only seem to ever think about short term profits.

It's not even an Xbox thing, it's just more bad news for the industry, and it's every week at this point, shit is depressing.

And I'm not saying nobody can never not be laid off, as I said, I understand why some happen, still shitty but they have a reason in the case of mergers, but I can't explain the development team layoffs and in the overall industry it's non-stop lately and has been for the past year, Xbox is just another in the line and they'll be new layoffs next week.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 25 January 2024