I have to wonder, who the fuck decided to move from Unreal Engine to a mobile based engine? That person is responsible for this, I don't think I've seen such a baffling engine decision. Unreal Engine can't support 100 players on a large map, so they decide to instead use a mobile engine? And surprise surprise, the engine is a disaster.
6 years in development, with a very optimistic release date of 2026 for an engine which still isn't in production would have put development at 8 years at the absolute minimum, almost guaranteed to be 10+ years of development if the engine wasn't even production ready? Post-launch support using that engine would have been Destiny 1 all over again as well.
Losing all those talented employees though because someone had the bright idea to force a crappy engine on them...Sure, Unreal Engine may not have worked with the project but then that's a scoping issue? Reduce the scope of your goals, instead of 100 players, make it 50 players? I think 100 players for a survival game sounds a bit ridiculous anyway.
I wonder if they could have salvaged it on Unreal Engine though, at least give them a year or so to see how fast they can make it work, as a test, before making the decision whether or not to cancel the project, unfortunate they didn't even get that chance, I also think they could have been placed inside of other Xbox studios instead of a complete layoff...Have a few games which could use their skills.
I do wonder if Redfall played a part in their decision to cancel it...