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US lawmakers ask for assessment of arms transfers to Israel

A handful of Democratic lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a nonpartisan research agency, to conduct a review of whether US arms transfers to Israel are violating US and international law.

In a press release on Wednesday, Palestinian-American Representative Rashida Tlaib said that she had sent a letter to President Biden and the GAO along with four other lawmakers. The statement notes that on January 5, the administration said it had not conducted any formal review of Israel’s compliance with international law during its assault on Gaza.

“We write today regarding your Administration’s ongoing weapons transfers to the Israeli government despite considerable evidence that these transfers are flagrantly violating American and international law and being used in the commission of war crimes,” the letter to Biden reads.

‘Ceasefire now,’ US Congress members say

Several Democratic legislators have renewed their calls for a ceasefire, urging President Biden to push to end Israel’s war on Gaza.

Despite the mass destruction and killing of more than 25,000 Palestinians, the Biden administration has vehemently opposed a ceasefire, arguing that the war must go on until Israel destroys Hamas – a goal that many experts say may not be achievable militarily. Congresswoman Cori Bush, who introduced a ceasefire resolution 100 days ago, said the world cannot wait another 100 days.

Democratic legislator Hank Johnson notes that it has been 100 days since his colleague Cori Bush introduced a resolution calling for ending the war in Gaza. “Our pro-peace, pro-humanity movement is growing stronger every day. [Biden] must heed our calls for #CeasefireNOW [and] facilitate an immediate, lasting ceasefire,” Johnson said on X.

Biden convoy encounters ceasefire protesters – again

As the US president was leaving a political event in Washington, DC, his motorcade passed by small groups of protesters yelling “ceasefire now”, and someone holding a yellow sign with the words “full ceasefire in Gaza now”, a White House pool report said.

Yesterday, more than a dozen demonstrators calling for ending the war in Gaza interrupted Biden as he spoke at a campaign event in the state of Virginia.

Egypt rejects Israel’s request for a call between el-Sisi and Netanyahu

Israeli broadcaster Channel 13, citing two unnamed Israeli officials, reports that the office of Prime Minister Netanyahu attempted to coordinate with an Egyptian security agency to set up a phone call with the Egyptian present, but this attempt was rejected.

The report states that there are “significant disputes” between the governments of Israel and Egypt over the Israeli army’s plans for the “Philadelphia axis”, the strip of land in the southern Gaza Strip bordering Egypt. Late last month, Netanyahu told a news conference that the corridor “must be in our hands” and shut down to ensure the security outcome Tel Aviv desires.

Qatar rebukes Netanyahu’s reported criticism of mediation role

A spokesperson for Qatar’s foreign affairs ministry has issued a statement rebuking alleged comments from Netanyahu, following media reports that the Israeli leader called Qatar’s mediation efforts “problematic”.

“We are appalled by the alleged remarks attributed to the Israeli Prime Minister in various media reports about Qatar’s mediation role. These remarks if validated, are irresponsible and destructive to the efforts to save innocent lives, but are not surprising,” Majed Al Ansari said on X. “If the reported remarks are found to be true, the Israeli PM would only be obstructing and undermining the mediation process, for reasons that appear to serve his political career instead of prioritizing saving innocent lives, including Israeli hostages,” the statement adds.

How long is Biden still going to support this scumbag Netanyahu.