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Fuck Trudeau, he should be brought before the ICC as well.

I guess we're at war with Yemen now, next to being complicit in genocide

US, UK air attacks hit Yemeni capital Sanaa

Al Jazeera Arabic’s correspondent on the ground in Yemen reported that explosions were heard in Houthi-controlled Sanaa, while a Houthi official told Al Jazeera that the bombing had hit the capital’s al-Dailami Air Base, as well as locations in the governorates of Taiz, Al Bayda and Hajjah.

US-led coalition says Yemen strikes targeted ‘underground storage site’, missile locations

Here’s the joint statement from the US-led coalition on tonight’s strikes:

“Today, the militaries of the United States and United Kingdom, at the direction of their respective governments with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, conducted an additional round of proportionate and necessary strikes against 8 Houthi targets in Yemen in response to the Houthis’ continued attacks against international and commercial shipping as well as naval vessels transiting the Red Sea. These precision strikes are intended to disrupt and degrade the capabilities that the Houthis use to threaten global trade and the lives of innocent mariners, and are in response to a series of illegal, dangerous, and destabilizing Houthi actions since our coalition strikes on January 11, including anti-ship ballistic missile and unmanned aerial system attacks that struck two U.S.-owned merchant vessels.

Today’s strike specifically targeted a Houthi underground storage site and locations associated with the Houthis’ missile and air surveillance capabilities.

The Houthis’ now more than thirty attacks on international and commercial vessels since mid-November constitute an international challenge. Recognizing the broad consensus of the international community, we again acted as part of a coalition of like-minded countries committed to upholding the rules-based order, protecting freedom of navigation and international commerce, and holding the Houthis accountable for their illegal and unjustifiable attacks on mariners and commercial shipping.

Our aim remains to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea, but let us reiterate our warning to Houthi leadership: we will not hesitate to defend lives and the free flow of commerce in one of the world’s most critical waterways in the face of continued threats.”

Utter horseshit. Danger to shipping containers gets acted on, killing over 25 thousand people so far and starving 2 million, ehh easier to bomb Yemen.

‘No let-up in the atrocities inflicted on Gaza’: UN humanitarian chief

Martin Griffiths has highlighted the mounting death toll and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, including the killing of two mothers every hour by Israeli forces. “Hospitals overcrowded, besieged and under fire. Homes reduced to rubble. Places of safety turned into places of danger,” he wrote in a social media post.

Israel ‘intentionally imposing dehydration and starvation’ on Gaza, UN expert

Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, has described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “unprecedented” in a post on X. “It’s unprecedented to make an entire civilian population go hungry this completely & quickly,” said Fakhri. “Israel is destroying Gaza’s food system,” the UN expert added.

Israel has controlled the entry of food and water into Gaza since early October, with access to northern Gaza even more severely restricted. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced on October 9 that food, water, fuel and medicine would not be allowed into Gaza, saying: “We are fighting human animals.”

Wtf is this "we want to bomb something too" mentality.