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zeldaring said:

Agreed man the genocide Is so obvious with so much footage and yet nothing the world just watching just heart breaking 

The language is getting more direct, yet so slowly and just keeps getting ignored anyway

UN special rapporteur says ‘genocide unfolding’ in Gaza

The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, has said that we’re at a “watershed” moment in the Gaza conflict with a “genocide unfolding”. “It’s time to ask for justice for ALL. Hostages MUST be released immediately. And so the thousand Palestinian prisoners arbitrarily detained by Israel,” she wrote on X, responding to a tweet by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The EU is going to talk about it again

Report: EU ministers to discuss Netanyahu’s rejection of Palestinian statehood

Foreign ministers from the European Union will discuss potential repercussions if the Israeli prime minister “continues to oppose Palestinian statehood” when they meet on Monday, the Financial Times is reporting.

Quoting senior officials, the FT said the EU will discuss what “incentives and disincentives” could be created to ensure that Israel agrees to a peace plan that would include the establishment of a Palestinian state. Netanyahu has doubled down on his rejection of a Palestinian state in recent days, saying, “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over the entire area in the west of Jordan.”

The EU’s 27 foreign ministers have convened a meeting to discuss Israel’s war on Gaza on Monday, where they are expected to meet separately with Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki Foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan and the secretary general of the League of Arab States will also attend.

Potential repercussions, hope it's not more useless stuff like travel bans for settlers

Cobretti2 said:

Ron DeSantis, what a flog. If that what he truly believes about land claim, I hope some Native Americans took note of his words, rock up to his house, scalp the fuckwit, drag his body with a horse down the main road and take over his property in the name of traditional land rights.

Both groups have lived in that region for centuries under different rules. They both have genuine reasons to be there and only way to move forward is come up with a solution once and for all for a two state system. If the world truly believe the Palestinians don't deserve to be there, then stop fucking around with a war, and wipe them out with bombing, show your true colours and not pretend like you give a shit for them but think the war is justified.

As for many Palestinians joining Hamas, what did they think would happen when you invade their home? It only gives credit to their cause.

They're also the only ones slowing the onslaught of the IDF down. It's pretty clear the goal is to at least make Gaza unlivable next to making a dent in the population to put the 'numbers' back in the favor of the oppressors. Israel is literally bombing Gaza back to the stone age.

The tide is slowly starting to turn in Israel as well with the first anti-war protest yesterday since Oct 7

This is the first anti-war protest to take place in Israel since it began its war on Gaza following the Hamas attacks of October 7.

Since, it hasn’t been easy for the anti-war voice to make itself heard. The organisers of this rally, Hadash, a left-wing socialist party that supports a two-state solution, were initially banned from gathering and had to take their request to the Supreme Court.

Protesters gather at the first anti-war protest in Israel since October 7

For us, even finding the protest location proves difficult. As we near the square in Haifa, our GPS begins sending us in circles. We finally park at a mosque where a local explains that the Israeli army has scrambled the GPS signal in northern Israel due to security concerns.

The authorities were likely keen to let the protest go ahead on a Saturday when there’s no public transport, which would make it more difficult for people to reach the square. As we make our way to the square, we pass a large contingent of police in blue uniforms as well as what looks like border guards in dark green. They seem to be having a last-minute pep talk before the protest. No doubt they have concerns as to what might be about to happen. They are armed with rifles and pistols, and they have utility vehicles, the notorious “skunk water truck” and officers on horseback.

About 500 people showed up at the rally on Saturday

It’s refreshing to hear an alternative message in Israel and to see Israelis and Palestinian Israelis standing together in hope for a peaceful future.

One of the speakers, Maoz Inon, whose parents were killed by Hamas fighters during Hamas’s attacks on October 7, speaks of forgiveness: “My father cultivated the land. He grew wheat and he also brought me up to believe in a good future.

“My message to the world is don’t choose a side, Israeli or Palestine, but please choose humanity.”


For now, those protesting here today are in the minority. According to recent polls, the majority of Israelis still support the war in Gaza.

Every movement has to start somewhere, hopefully it picks up steam. Hopefully the ICJ comes back soon ordering the cessation of hostilities to investigate genocidal actions taking place in Gaza. A clear message that will be hard to 'Hasbara' away.

And good that Israel isn't locked into a 2 party system like the US where the only choice is terrible or bad. However Hadash only has 5 seats in Israel's government, the religious Zionist part is nearly 3 times as big (14 seats) Netanyahu, Smotrich and Gantz hold 58 of the 120 seats. Likud is the second biggest party (24 seats) and Lapid wanted to promote a 2-state solution before in 2022.

However his ideas now are indoctrination and rewriting history to solve the conflict...

The poll’s findings “only strengthen the case for the deradicalization program I called for in my plan for the day after the end of this war,” said Lapid, who served as Israel’s prime minister for five months before Netanyahu was voted back into office late last year.

In a policy document shared on Facebook earlier this month, Lapid’s party called for Gaza’s civil administration to be temporarily managed by the U.S. and Arab countries, excluding Turkey and Qatar, as well as local Palestinian factors “not recognized by Hamas.”

“Israel will not agree to the P.A. playing a role in managing life in Gaza until a comprehensive de-radicalization program is implemented in the P.A., which would include education against incitement, stopping payment to terrorists and fighting corruption,” the document read.

Still there are options, there is a way to solve this 75 year old conflict. Otherwise it's just waiting for the next escalation.