WoodenPints said:
Well you can already choose to completely cut Steam out of a game purchase and still leech all their bandwidth and features without giving them a penny so maybe they could work something out like we won't take 30% from Gamepass sub but how about you give us a bigger cut of purchases that come from Gamepass sub owners that choose to buy first party games on Steam I think Microsoft would comprise some things like that to get Gamepass going on Steam. |
A bigger cut from purchases of MS games from people who already subbed and have those games for free? That sounds like an awful deal for Valve lol.
There are limits to Steam keys, Valve makes sure that your title is generating enough money for them on their platform before accepting requests for key generation to sell them on other stores. From the steam developers documentation:
"Games and applications launching on Steam may receive up to 5,000 Default Release Steam Keys to support retail activities and distribution on other stores. After that, all Steam Key requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. There is no guarantee that you will be provided additional keys."
"When reviewing Steam Key requests, some of the things we typically look at include the level of customer interest on Steam, the total number of keys that have been issued and activated for the game and the additional number that are being requested. A request will usually be rejected if there's an imbalance that suggests the developer is not making an offer to Steam customers that is comparable to what Steam Key purchasers are offered."
So you can cut Valve out of some purchases but only at their discretion. Basically they're going to make sure a good amount of your total purchases are through their store to get their cut.