As part of those preparations, Russia continues to attack Ukrainian logistics and #Ukraine's critical infrastructure. In what has become a war of attrition, #Ukraine faces two key vulnerabilities: shortage of weapons and munitions and the constantly growing stress on manpower.2/6
— Andrew A. Michta (@andrewmichta) January 19, 2024
I've said this many times before, but it's worth repeating: We need a strategy for #Ukraine's victory in this war. It's not enough to keep repeating that Russia can't be allowed to win and Ukraine can't lose. We need clarity on the end state to generate the needed resources.4/6
— Andrew A. Michta (@andrewmichta) January 19, 2024
Weakness invites aggression-just recall the consequences of Europe's timidity and America's isolationism in 1938. Like Germany and Japan back then, now Russia and China are arming rapidly. The question is: Will we recognize the threat and respond with determination. Will we?6/6
— Andrew A. Michta (@andrewmichta) January 19, 2024
How The West Can Counter North Korean Arms Supplies to Russia