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By 'exploration' I'm referring to things like this specifically:

 Things that turn the gears inside my head when I see them (outside of dungeons). Whether I can solve it right away or later.
"Looks like I need an item to get in there. Will there be something under one of the bushes? Or am I supposed to stand there and switch to the Light world to access an area I couldn't get to before?"

And with worthwhile rewards like heart pieces, bottles, an invisibility cloak, a blacksmith that can strengthen your sword, etc.
I don't want a large portion of them to be collectors quest items, like the 900 seeds I heard of from Breath of the Wild.
Because then I can be pretty sure what I'm going to find before I find it, and it won't give me any immediate value.

These are the Zelda games I've played through completely:

Zelda 1
Zelda 2
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
A Link Between Worlds

I think this element was quite enjoyable in most of these.

Some years ago I also played Minish Cap, and completed a few dungeons. But I can't remember much about the game. None of the explorative secrets in the overworld.
I don't know if they were not memorable for me. But when I look at the game now, the aestetics makes me not want to play it if there are other options.

The game I want to play and like the most is Twilight Princess, because it seems the closest to OOT.
But after playing up until getting the magnetic boots (second dungeon I believe), I found the game up until that point to have been very unremarkable. I wasn't bored, but I didn't feel any of the 'Zelda magic' in it either. And I wasn't dying to keep playing. Same problem with Breath of the Wild. Although that one I only played up until completing the first dunegon.

I also don't remember any of the secrets exploration I may have encountered in Twilight Princess, but it's been 10 years since I played it.

The most interesting candidates in my mind are Oracle of Seasons/Ages.
I've heard good things. My only hesitation is that it only features the use of two buttons, like Link's Awakening since it's based on GameBoy. I did love Link's Awakening a lot, but that was an obvious technical limitation that shouldn't have been there. (The Remake lets you use 4 buttons.)

If there is a mod that lets you use 4 buttons in Oracle of Seasons/Ages, like for the recent PC port of Link's Awakening, then I'd play that right away.

I also should mention that I have low interest in the combat aspect of Zelda games these days.
So I'd be playing mainly for things like the overworld exploration of interesting secrets, memorable landmarks/locations, and dungeon puzzles.

Maybe Wind Waker? I haven't played that one. But I hear the sailing can be tedious.

Last edited by Hiku - on 17 January 2024