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Ubisoft proving once again why I stopped buying their shit.

2024 and CEO's/Execs are still way out of touch with the public reality. It's almost like NONE of them looked at how SATURATED the streaming side has become over the past decade.

There is no possible future where a corp like MS foots every publishers sub bill in order to round all those subs up into one fits all "cheap" gamepass deal, because it would cost until amounts of cash for each publisher, each studio per game, all year round, for all those subs... yeah that's not happening, so people will just end up ignoring most of the other publisher subs in favour of the few or one they trust the most, thus leading to a ton of fallout.

Larian's CEO put it in the mildest of terms, but I feel like they should have been far more brutal with that sort of future, because it would absolutely cause a lot of damage to multiple sectors of the industry and also cause quicker studio/publisher deaths than what we are seeing right now.

Again, this is another case of CEO's like Ubi's refusing to see what comes after, they only care for the short term, not what comes after, and I know how most of those old geezers operate, if shit hits the fan under their watch, they'll just get their golden parachute and go fuck over some other industry/company. Sometimes some CEO's should just be liquidated on the spot for even uttering such a horrid concept, because I've seen MS hold onto ideals for decades, CEO's do too, and they cannot be forced to learn, but they can sure as hell be fired asap and refused entry to other business.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"