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SecondWar said:
Biggerboat1 said:

Hmm I didn't think of the Trump aspect - he really does just fuck up everything.

It's just so strange to see Republicans being against any US military involvement full stop, and it of course has to be the one where there's a clear moral imperative to help...  And the idea that there's some in the party that are pro-Russian is bewildering - completely at odds with their historic stance. American politics is in equal measure baffling/terrifying/depressing...

Since the advent of Trump, Republicans (some if them) have taken more if an isolationist stance in international affairs. This is usually what Trumpist say when refusing Ukraine's appeal for aide. They'll say Europe's problems aren't America's problems. Trump also is a big Nato skeptic and a second Trump term could well see him withdraw the US from Nato.

But its also hard to listen to Trump and his backers like MTG and not conclude that they're pro-Ruusia.

Though that isolationist stance doesn't seem to apply to the middle east... Didn't they just pass some bill that says being anti-zionist is the same as being antisemitic... And one republican congressman wore an IDF uniform.

I can understand that donors are driving this fervour (after all, helping Israel actually goes against what a less savoury part of their base would prefer). It's just weird that donor pressure doesn't seem to be as effective within the context of Ukraine...