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Soundwave said:

Actually I will say 720p to 1440p DLSS does look great. It does look like you are playing something very close to real 1440p. 

I've tried it and tested it on a 77 inch display, on a 27 inch PC monitor that I sit right in front of too, it looks great either way. 

You'd have to be a fucking moron as far I'm concerned to render those games natively on Switch 2, native 1440p is not worth anywhere close rendering 4-8x more pixels.

You have to push DLSS down to to about 360p (which is ridiculously low) to really have the image quality look actually bad. From 540p it starts to look good more than good enough for a small screen display, 720p to 1440p looks very good, 1080p to 4K looks fantastic. Someone would have to present a pretty compelling case as far I'm concerned for why you would ever really want to render above 540p undocked, and 720p-1080p docked on Switch 2. There's no point. Even 1080p is kind of ridiculous, you can get a very nice image quality from just 1280x720 pixels going to 1440p, and yes I'm talking about for big screen TVs. 

Pretty sure that "from 540p onwards it looks good", is not true in general.

What matters is where you start, where you want to go to and what assets you have available.

You cant just magically make a game go from 540p to 4k, using 6th gen texture quality assets, and have it look like a native 4k game with 4k assets