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Zippy6 said:
TeachMeHisty said:

Asking the other way around.. how likely is it that Switch 2 will not face the issue that games are not released on the system due to its specs?
Because that is what I want Nintendo to avoid at all cost. There should not be even one instance where you have to purchase a 2nd system because a multiplatform 3rd party game skips the system. That is my wish.

There will still be third party games skipping the Switch 2 even if power isn't an obstacle. The power of the Switch wasn't an obstacle in porting GTA V, a ps3/360 game, to it but that never happened.

Sorry, I should have been more precise...

What I am asking is, how likely it is that no - or an insignificant amount of games at most, regardless of "size" (AAA, AA, ...) - will skip the system, because

the financial numbers of expected sales and costs to port suggest that other project should be prefered?

Switch could have gotten way more AAA games than it did, but I am 100% sure that most prognosis' came to the conclusion, that switch ports are the least profitable alternatives among all alternatives in which a company could invest its limited recourses.

That is what Nintendo should avoid. Being the least financially plausible alternative again.