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Amnesty International calls ICJ hearings ‘vital step’ to protect Palestinians

The human rights watchdog Amnesty International has welcomed the beginning of the ICJ hearings, saying that the proceedings can help end the “man-made humanitarian catastrophe in the occupied Gaza Strip”.

“The ICJ’s examination of Israel’s conduct is a vital step for the protection of Palestinian lives, to restore trust and credibility in the universal application of international law, and to pave the way for justice and reparation for victims,” Agnes Callamard, secretary-general for the group, said in a statement on Thursday.

In February 2022, Amnesty joined a growing number of human rights organisations that have concluded that Israel is imposing a system of apartheid on the Palestinians.

West Bank residents hope their call for justice resonates at ICJ

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have been watching the ICJ proceedings very closely as much as Israel is worried about its image being battered. Many Palestinians are hoping that through these proceedings their call for justice is going to resonate more around the world. The message is the same wherever you turn: “Thank you, South Africa”.

The Palestinian Authority has been taking similar steps on its own. It has filed a war crimes case with the International Criminal Court against Israel and it also has a hearing scheduled at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in late February on the impact of decades of Israeli occupation.

ICJ decision could impact at UN Security Council proceedings

While the International Court of Justice does not have any enforcement powers, a ruling in favour of South Africa’s submission could ratchet up pressure on countries like the US to call for an end to Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. “The enforcing power would come back to the UN Security Council. Now if the UNSC had a resolution calling for a ceasefire backed by the ICJ, would President Biden for a fourth time be prepared to veto such a resolution?"

US Congresswoman Tlaib voices support for South Africa case

Palestinian-American lawmaker Rashida Tlaib and progressive Congresswoman Cori Bush have released a statement in support of the South Africa-initiated genocide proceedings against Israel at the International Court of Justice, saying that the United States has had a “devastating role in the ongoing violence in Gaza”.

“As one of the countries that has agreed to the Genocide Convention, the US must stop trying to discredit and undermine this case and the international legal system it claims to support,” the joint statement reads. “Our commitment to supporting the human rights of all people must be unconditional.”

Many South Africans are proud of ICJ lawsuit against Israel

The move by the government has received support from many South Africans simply because of incidents of genocide in Africa, and specifically South Africa’s own history of institutionalised racism, apartheid, oppression and subjugation.

In the last three months, we have seen a number of protests in big cities across South Africa, supporting the Palestinian cause and also calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. South Africa, in these months, has recalled its diplomats from Israel and prior to that, it recalled its ambassador and had downgraded its embassy in Tel Aviv a long time ago.

Many South Africans say the ICJ lawsuit is something they are proud of.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 11 January 2024