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javi741 said:

What do you mean Nintendo is less efficient with their memory usage than Microsoft? Not saying your wrong but just curious why that is


Microsoft built it's own kernel and OS.

Nintendo and Sony piggybacks of *Nix/Android.

There is a reason why the Xbox 360 with only 24MB-32MB of Ram for the Operating System was not only snappier, but also more feature rich than the WiiU or Switch OS.
I.E. Voice Chat, Background Music playback during gaming.

The Xbox One/Series OS got more monolithic due to things like Snap/Virtualization/Quick Resume/Apps/Background stuff.
I.E. I can run Spotify or Twitch while gaming... Where the Switch can't even do voice chat natively.

Sony even went as far as bundling LPDDR Ram and ARM CPU cores with the PS4 to help out with that stuff.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--