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JRPGfan said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Around PS4 performance when portable.

Around PS4 pro performance when docked.

DLSS will bring performance between Series S and X.

For games that are not CPU bound, it will be close to X.

That sounds like wishfull thinking to me.
PS5 and XSX use upscaleing too, like dlss isn't going to magically make a handheld useing 30-35watts equal to a series X or PS5, pulling 200 watts.

I wouldn't expect much beyound PS4 base level, and with DLSS maybe PS4pro range.

I would be surprised if a Switch 2, matches a Series S, in like for like graphics settings and resolution, in a more demanding 3rd party game.
Does this matter though? The step-up from a Switch, to PS4pro level, will mean all Switch games, can run 4k upscaled (if nintendo choose to do so).

Nintendo does great looking games, without being super demanding, because they dont chase realism.
They simply dont need all that hardware power, if it comes with drawbacks (price, weight, size, powerconsumption ect ect).

It might have been better to say that the game with ray tracing rather than CPU bound.