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Car-ramming injures two Israelis in occupied West Bank: Emergency services

Two people are lightly injured “in a car-ramming attack at an East Jerusalem checkpoint, near the Palestinian town of Biddu”, according to a spokesman for Israel’s emergency medical services.

The suspected attacker was “neutralised”, or killed, by Border Police officers, according to police.

Israeli police fatally shot Palestinian toddler during attack

Israeli media outlets have reported that a three-year-old Palestinian child was killed during what Israeli authorities said was a car-ramming attack that targeted a military checkpoint near the Givat Ze’ev settlement in the occupied West Bank.

Haaretz cited Israeli police as saying that the child was shot by Israeli border police officers and was not in the vehicle. The Jerusalem Post also reported that the toddler was “accidentally shot and killed”.

Israel appears to have directly targeted Al Jazeera journalists’ car: Watchdog

Antoine Bernard from Reporters Without Borders has said it appears that “a single rocket fell on the car” of Hamza Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya, both of whom worked for Al Jazeera.

“If this is the case, it would qualify as another war crime against journalists for Gaza,” he told Al Jazeera. “It’s a massive slaughter and this has to stop.”

The wrecked car after two more Palestinian journalists who have been identified as Hamza Wael Al-Dahdouh, the son of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Al-Dahdouh, and Mustafa Thuraya, were killed in an Israeli bombing on their car in the city of Khan Younis, Sunday

Attacks on journalists allowed because of Israel’s dehumanisation of Palestinians

Oren Ziv, an Israeli journalist for +972 magazine, spoke to Al Jazeera’s Sara Khairat in Tel Aviv about Israel’s continued targeting of journalists. Here’s what he had to say: “Unfortunately, although Israel declares publicly [that] they allow freedom of speech, through the years we’ve seen again and again, especially while covering events in the occupied West Bank and in occupied East Jerusalem, but also inside ‘48 Israel‘, that in almost every event, if you’re talking about Palestinian gatherings, and of course, protests, we’ve seen attacks against the media.

It can be small things like pushing us away and using tear gas and other weapons against us. Or, of course, there are more severe tools. But the general trend is very clear. It’s preventing, again and again, media crews from doing their work, even when they’re marked as press, even when they stand aside in big groups.

I think this can be allowed because of the general way the Israeli government, but unfortunately, also the public, doesn’t see [Palestinians] as humans, and this also allows [for] the attacks against journalists, especially in Gaza.”

Israel’s killing of journalists must be denounced: Al-Monitor

Daoud Kuttab, a columnist for Al-Monitor news website, tells Al Jazeera the killing of two more journalists, Hamza Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya, is “a despicable act, one that has to be denounced by anyone”. “The journalism sector must demand an investigation into Israel and that Israel opens the border for international journalists, as well as for Israel to stop targeting journalists,” he said from Jordan’s capital Amman.

“It is a very sad day. Firstly because for 90-something days we have not been able to allow a single international journalist to enter Gaza. The Israelis have been blackmailing the Egyptians to not allow any international journalists to enter,” Kuttab said. “So the only source of information has been Palestinian journalists and the Israelis have been killing them one after the other. Killing the journalists, killing the families of journalists – this is unacceptable. This is a violation of international law. Going after civilians is a war crime.”

Houthi official says killing of journalists in Gaza exposes West’s ‘lies’

Mohammed Abdulsalam notes that more than 100 journalists have been killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza.

He criticised what he insinuated was the double standards of Western nations in speaking about democracy, human rights and free expression, while continuing to support Israel, despite its actions in Gaza.

“With the killing of each journalist of Gaza – Mustafa Thuraya and Hamza Dahdouh being the latest of them – Western propaganda falls and its falsity and lies are exposed,” Abdulsalam wrote in a social media post.

Press freedom watchdog calls for independent probe into Dahdouh, Thuraya killings

The Committee to Protect Journalists says that the killings of Al Jazeera journalists Hamza Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya must be independently investigated to determine whether they were targeted, and those behind their deaths must be held accountable.

“The continuous killings of journalists and their family members by Israeli army fire must end,” said CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa programme coordinator Sherif Mansour. “The Dahdouh family and their journalist colleagues in Gaza are rewriting what it means to be a journalist today with immensely brave and never-seen-before sacrifices,” he said in a statement.

Israeli drones target Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza: Director

Iyad Abu Zaher, the general director of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, has said in a brief statement that the medical centre in Deir el-Balah, central Gaza is “under threat and direct targeting by Israeli drones”.

Israel trying to put Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital ‘out of service’

The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza has said the medical centre in central Gaza is coming under heavy Israeli drone fire that is targeting “anything that moves” and that is aimed at disabling the hospital.

“Putting Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital out of service would be a death sentence for thousands of wounded people and patients in the central area,” the ministry said in a statement.

Hamas condemns Israel’s ‘heinous massacre’ in Jabalia

Hamas has accused Israel of targeting a home sheltering civilians in Jabalia in northern Gaza, saying that Saturday’s attack killed dozens of people, mostly women and children. The Palestinian group said the bombing is a “new war crime” and “an extension of the genocidal war” Israel is waging against civilians.

Hamas also slammed the international community for its inaction to stop “what Palestinians are enduring”, and specifically hit out at US President Joe Biden, calling him the “chief partner” in Israel’s crimes.

German foreign minister calls for end to ‘eternal cycle of violence’

Annalena Baerbock, who is heading to Israel to meet Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister Israel Katz, has said on X that “terrorism must end, people’s humanitarian need must end, the region must emerge from the eternal cycle of violence”.

To achieve this, she said, the following must happen:

  • Gaza can no longer pose a threat to Israel’s existence.
  • Hamas must lay down its weapons.
  • Hezbollah must stop attacking northern Israel from southern Lebanon.
  • Yemen’s Houthi rebels must stop their attacks on ships in the Red Sea.
  • Palestinians finally need the chance to live a life of security, dignity and self-determination.

No, Palestinians need the chance to live a life of security, dignity and self-determination first, then the rest will happen automatically. What the past decades have proven is that it does not work the other way around. And what does Gaza no longer posing a threat mean? Can someone explain what the goals are here since Gaza is only becoming more of a threat the longer this genocide goes on.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 07 January 2024