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Rwanda denies discussing ‘transfer’ of Palestinians with Israel

The government of Rwanda has denied recent reports in Israeli news outlet Zman that the country has discussed the possibility of receiving Palestinians “transferred” from Gaza. “The Government of Rwanda notes disinformation published in Zman Yisrael, an Israeli news outlet, alleging talks between Rwanda and Israel on the transfer of Palestinians from Gaza. This is completely false,” the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a post on X.

“No such discussion has taken place either now or in the past, and the disinformation should be ignored.”

UN humanitarian chief says Gaza becoming ‘uninhabitable’

United Nations humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths says in a statement that the Gaza Strip has “become a place of death and despair” as Israel’s monthslong assault on the strip continues. Griffiths said that “people are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded,” with famine “around the corner”.

He added that people in Gaza are facing “daily threats to their very existence — while the world watches on”.

Flooding brings new suffering to northern Gaza

Heavy rains have brought additional misery to Palestinians in northern Gaza, where flooding and sewage have filled refugee camps already devastated by Israeli bombing.

“A new problem for civilians here as war and siege intensify on the Gaza Strip,” Al Jazeera correspondent Anas al-Sharif reported from Jabalia refugee camp. “And with the rainfall, municipalities are no longer able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by Israeli forces.”

“We left the war, and here we are facing a new war. Sewage water leaked into classrooms and flooded them. Our children are suffering from disease and gastrointestinal symptoms. We are suffering from sickness. This is the situation we are living in,” said a resident in Jabalia.

Crowding in Rafah. Currently growing tent city compared to Rafah before Oct 7.

WHO: Nearly 600 healthcare attacks since start of war

The World Health Organization says that since October 7, hospitals and other vital medical infrastructure have been attacked nearly 600 times in the Gaza Strip.

The attacks have affected 94 healthcare sites, including 26 hospitals damaged out of a total of 36 in the enclave. At least 613 people were killed inside the facilities, and more than 770 others have been injured.

WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier condemned the continuing bombardment and said that the “ongoing reduction of humanitarian space plus the continuing attacks on healthcare are pushing the people of Gaza to breaking point”.

Israeli settlers given ‘green light’ after October 7

Israeli settlers have stepped up violent attacks on Palestinians and settlement activities in the aftermath of October 7 with the backing of Israeli authorities, says Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti. “The Israeli government is run by settlers, and these settlers are nothing but fascists, if you speak about Ben-Gvir or Smotrich or the others,” said Barghouti, referring to prominent far-right Israeli politicians.

“Since October 7 every settler, every Israeli soldier, and every policeman, feel they have the green light to shoot and kill Palestinians. They have the strong feeling of total immunity, that they can do anything to Palestinians, whatever they want, and in any way they wish,” he added.

Unprecedented ‘surge’ in settlement activity in occupied West Bank since October 7

Peace Now, an Israeli NGO that monitors settlement activities in the occupied West Bank, says that over the past three months, there has been an “unmatched surge” in the construction of outposts, roads, fences and roadblocks by settlers.

“Settlers persist in seizing control of Area C in the West Bank, further marginalising the Palestinian presence,” a press release said. There has been a record number of nine new outposts in a span of about three months, and 18 illegal settler-only roads.

The widespread phenomenon of roadblocks prevent Palestinians from accessing main roads in the occupied West Bank, Peace Now said.