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I think 2024 will be a fairly static year, with maybe some Ukraine land losses as they preserve troop lives over land, Ukraine won't be able to conduct major counteroffensives without the West getting its shit together and production won't be ready it seems until 2025+ so Ukraine is going to have to switch back to defensive for now.

I think the key things to Ukraine's success will be 1. Biden winning in 2024 and 2. Europe's military production fully ramping up. Biden winning would be an almost guarantee of another 4 years of support from America, as long as the lunatic Republicans in House don't grow further but America on the table for another 4 years alongside Europe taking its military seriously would give Ukraine a strong chance.

If Biden loses then I will be filled with dread for Ukraine.

Edit - And countries need to stop being scared to send certain things but I think 2024 will be mostly defensive.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 January 2024