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The news, the second part:

Obviously there should be a city-builder about penguins, so try the demo for this one
An upcoming city builder asks the hard, important questions we all like to ask sometimes: What if penguins built a city? Wouldn't that be cool? United Penguin Kingdom says that yes, in fact, that would be pretty cool. You can try it for free, today, via a demo version on Steam called United Penguin Kingdom: Huddle Up, which includes about an hour and a half of gameplay covering the first year of a penguin settlement.

Factorio pretty much rewrote its world generation to account for new planets—like this volcanic one
Factorio's upcoming Space Age expansion and the free Factorio 2.0 update that goes with it means a lot for the factory-building game, especially because the effort on developer Wube Software's part to update many game systems and the underlying code base have made huge changes to what's possible inside Factorio.

Remake of strange, rare R-Type Tactics 1 & 2 to release in Fall 2024
The modernized and remade PC version of tactical shoot 'em up R-Type Tactics 1 and 2 is clearly not coming this year as previously listed. Developer Granzella has announced that R-Type Tactics I - II Cosmos is in fact coming in fall 2024, instead, during a recent livestream.
>> The article is one year old... ok, not really, it's just from last Friday.

Buckle up, the developer of Cruelty Squad is making a game about thoughtcrime cops with mechs
Creator Consumer Softproducts is back, folks, with a creatively upsetting and extremely intriguing idea for another hybrid FPS and Immersive Sim: Psycho Patrol R, a game that has you as a mech-piloting cop with some kind of almost-surely-upsetting superpowers.

Grim fantasy retro-RPG Skald: Against the Black Priory has a new demo ahead of a spring 2024 release
After a few years of development teases, retro-style RPG Skald: Against the Black Priory has a release window: spring 2024. The party-based RPG has been touted as an example of marrying a retro aesthetic—Commodore 64 era, in this case—with a more modern style of game and interface design.
To go along with the announcement that it's coming in spring, Skald has released an updated demo that has a lot of really improved visuals and interface elements from what was released in January of this year. That's alongside the new trailer, on YouTube and above, that shows off the updated looks and gameplay.

Delve a hopeless dungeon and die of despair in indie action RPG Into the Necrovale
An upcoming action RPG sends a condemned criminal into the depths of a forsaken land in order to get loot and save and/or destroy the world. Into the Necrovale is listed as Coming Soon on Steam, but it has a pretty healthy demo that you can try immediately.

Hardcore survival shooter Road to Vostok is looking really good after switching engines from Unity to Godot
Highly anticipated (at least around here) survival shooter Road to Vostok has a brand new demo out. It's a lot like the old public demo, indeed the developer calls it Public Demo 1 Version 3, with one huge caveat: Road to Vostok now runs on the Godot game engine rather than Unity.
The in-development post-apocalyptic shooter is set in an abandoned border zone between Finland and Russia, with you as the protagonist trying to cross from one side to another. The game vision requires advanced, fast 3D rendering and a strong physics engine—concerns that mean the underlying game engine is very important.

Square Enix's new years resolution is to become 'aggressive in applying AI', and I'm very tired
After singing its fingers on the hot stove of NFTs, Square Enix has decided to go in for another cheeky touch with AI—as stated by the company's new president Takashi Kiryu in a New Year's letter to his employees.
"I believe that generative AI has the potential not only to reshape what we create, but also to fundamentally change the processes by which we create, including programming," writes Kiryu. He's not necessarily wrong. AI technologies could hypothetically aid artists, writers, and programmers—though often in understated and boring ways, a far cry from the revolutionary 'democratisation of art' its strongest advocates dream of.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.