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I don't think releasing a successor in 2024 is a requirement for the Switch.
The Switch was never about visuals or performance, if they did they would have opted for the Tegra X2.

At the end of the day, selling software -is- more important than selling hardware, so the slowing of hardware sales isn't super important if they are able to still shift 10's of millions of a game in it's first week which is what really brings the profits in.

If Nintendo wanted to extend the Switch's lifetime (And why wouldn't you?), they could release a few updated variants of the Switch hardware.
Switch TV which drops all the mobile stuff and could sell at under $99 US.
Or a mobile only Switch lite with a 7" display rather than the tiny 5.5" panel.

Release some games like Metroid Prime 4, Paper Mario, StarFox, Pokemon... You can easily extend the platform for another 12 months.

Still. Newer hardware would be nice. - I am always chasing for better visuals, I just don't think in Nintendo's case it's super important as they don't push visuals like other platforms.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--