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Norion said:
Bandorr said:

The Forza thing surprises me. It won a couple awards at the game show - so I thought it was doing well.  Then I read on another site a thread about things xbox needs to fix and I saw at least 5 people talking about Forza.

So I just looked it up on steam and wow it's sitting at mostly negative. Both recent and All reviews.

So their three most recently released games (Redfall, Forza, Starfield) are all sitting on mostly negative.

So the game shadow-released is cult favorite, and the three games with any advertising are bombing with fans on steam. There is something to learn from that.

Yeah soon after it finished I checked the Forza subreddit out of curiosity and the post about it winning the best sports/racing game category called the Game Awards a joke so that says a lot. 

smroadkill15 said:

Audience reception can be deceiving at times. Sometimes it's trolling, while it can be over inflated and under inflated. I personally enjoyed my time with Starfield after 85 hours. Easy 8.5/10 for me. I'll revisit again later on. I played Forza Motorsport. Another game I enjoyed, but I'm not a car enthusiasts. From what I understand, most players biggest issue with Forza Motorsport was other players online. While the actual driving felt great overall. Redfall I thought was terrible. HifiRush was my favorite game all year until I beat Alan Wake 2. I really don't care about Steam user scores since I didn't play any of these on Steam and have to worry about optimization. 

Did you play any of these games yourself or just what you heard? 

It can be though with something like Starfield it's not hard to notice things like the Steam reviews, just how many negative youtube videos have been made about it and how whenever it gets mentioned on Reddit it's usually in a negative way. It's cool you enjoyed both Starfield and Forza Motorsport but a lot of people found them disappointing or even bad so while quantity wasn't an issue this year reception was which is a big problem for the brand that needs fixed for there to be any chance of Xbox making a recovery in the coming years.

I haven't played them but I don't see why that's relevant since you don't need to experience something to notice how it's being received and comment on that aspect. Like I haven't watched any recent MCU films but I know that lately they've been doing a lot worse than before for the most part.

I just wanted to add to this both for customer reviews and general perception with this yr's movies that bombed.

Companies have basically resorted to not admitting they made bad films, instead opting to just blame the consumers/fans and citing the negative reviews as "bait/review bombing". Same happened with Starfield, people at first claimed it was review bombing, then the youtube videos came out and suddenly it's "haters".

The glaring and sheer denial of the opposite group is kind of astounding, like I have not played SF nor watched many movies this year, but even I am able to discern that Starfield is what it is, and it is not all that great/memorable. I also know that the MCU movies outside of the main cast have been doing terrible at the box office, and sales data and public reception both become important factors to weigh in, and yet companies and zealous fans deny both sets of data...

These days, despite some reviews out there being either a joke or a troll, I still find overall public reviews and perception to being quite important, because well...they are the ones buying the tickets, buying the games, the songs, the ones who pay to sub. I would rather take on 100 user public reviews over paid ones that also happen to be sponsored, or via TGA show.

Despite what people may love/like about Starfield or these MCU movies, both are in dire need of being fixed for future instalments, because public perception wanes and sales will go down over time. I'm even seeing ppl who are now far, far less enthusiastic about TES VI after what Starfield turned out to be (I kinda lost a good chunk during Fallout 76, but SF killed what hope I had left).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"