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I have not... but now that I have more disposable income, considering it.

I don't have any moral objections to it, depending on how its done. For instance, I wouldn't do one of those cheap establishments with asian women who don't speak English, because I feel there's a pretty good chance I'd be supporting human trafficking. But, with an educated put together woman who is doing it independently, is being compensated well, and is clearly doing it out of her own volition and not because she is lacking in other options... I see no reason why not.

As George Carlin said, selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?

haxxiy said:

Believe it or not, most double as therapists for men, so that's a lot of bang for the buck, pun intended.

My therapist charges almost as much as a prostitute. And she only does hand stuff.