Depends. Porn sites have their own ads, they have their own subscription methods and of course, those uploading the content can also advertise their OF (for extra dosh), or simply allow you to buy their content for one time purchases on said porn site.
Meanwhile on Youtube you're stuck with watching ads or buying that YT premium sub (which still has a form of advertisement on it).
I wouldn't say they are faring any better though, I mean I've got a bunch of NSFW art friends that are struggling to get by (and the majority of them operate a patreon, sub star, and even in other cases, an OF as well). Also really doesn't help that card holder companies like Mastercard are really starting to crack down on NSFW content in general (I swear they're operated by puritans/Christian devout).
I'm still sticking it to youtube though, since I'm sporting 2 adblockers at the same time, and if one fails, I simply expunge the cache and filter listings and renew them and reboot the blocker and I'm back to watching vids ad-free. I just really hate ads and do not believe in plastering ads everywhere (a trailer for a video game or movie I can tolerate, but only as long as it is only on YT and not some shitty trailer that pops up on your screen on a non YT website).
Last edited by Chazore - on 22 December 2023Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"