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I'm amused by how Sony chose to burn Driveclub's studio and Days Gone to the ground, for selling 5 million and 7.5 million+ (10 million with the PC version) respectively. But their Bloodborne (8 million~ on PS4 alone) treatment is the bigger joke.

I understand that more goes into this than pure sales figures, but I miss the old Sony that put out dozens of diverse and experimental titles that didn't crack a million or half a million even (A prime example was ICO, one of the more influential "modern" games). I don't like the Sony that has zero respect for 7-10 million sellers. Days Gone may sell over 12 million lifetime, and Bloodborne can go beyond that with a PC+PS5 versions. But the asshats refuse to even patch a 60fps Bloodborne lol, they literally act like the very beloved and successful title doesn't exist. I kept innocently expecting them to surprise the fans with something, but we're over 3 years into PS5's life and still nothing is in sight. Puzzling.

It feels like were intoxicated by the success/potential of GAAS titles, including their own Fate Grand Order on mobile phones. Oh well, at least they still fund a few 2nd/3rd party projects including Chinese and Korean ones, which is fairly experimental. And hopefully they aren't shutting down Housemarque anytime soon.