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If we're talking only current consoles (Wii, 360, PS3) and if we're talking diversity over quality (i.e. doesn't matter if game is crap so long as many genres are supported) then the Wii pips the 360 and PS3 at the post.

Personally I still think all three have weak libraries in that all 3 have strong support for some genres but very weak support for others - obviously they haven't been out as long but none of the three come close to diversity of PS2 library for example.

As for Stacraft's point I'd guess it's to point out that 360 is unfairly seen as being FPS/shooters only when it has a muvh more diverse library.

I'd agree - but MS marketing gave it that branding themselves so they only have themselves to blame that now they want to broaden the demographics who will buy a 360 they are finding it a hard battle.

I suspect that by time MS makes any headway in changing opinions the PS3 library will have caught up in terms of diversity and continue to make growth for 360 hard but only time will tell.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...