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zeldaring said:
Pemalite said:

Most of the great games are missing? It has it's own great games.

Just like the Xbox has it's own great games.

Just like the Playstation has it's own great games.

Just like the PC has it's own great games.

Just like Android/iOS has it's own great games.

Great games are NOT exclusive to YOUR preferred platform, they exist on all platforms.

The Playstation 5 doesn't stop being a great platform simply because I can't play StarCraft on it, does it?

The industry isn't purely focused on the Playstation 5/PC, In-fact, the largest gaming platform is mobile, that is where the mass-focus is for game developers.

we are mainly talking about homes consoles. And talking about what the majority of of core gamers are looking for. Would most core gamers choose a switch over current consoles if it wasn't for nintendo games? 

You literally mentioned PC.
Are you trying to troll me or something? First you shift the goal post, then you get upset when I elaborate on a topic you present?

I know many core gamers who are happy with the Switch console for specific genre's like JRPG's.

zeldaring said:

Core games are core games it doesn't matter how popular they are. All those games you listed are core games we grew up playing that are a evolution and resonate with core gamers. 

Why lie? You have literally used popularity as your argument. "I.E. What the majority of core gamers are looking for"

You are literally being hypocritical in your reasoning and flip-flopping between standards to forward a false narrative.

zeldaring said:
Mnementh said:

"Majority" and "core gamers" are a contradiction. Core games are usually niche.

The NPD Group defines a core gamer as anyone who plays at least five hours a week on a Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, or Mac

The Mac is even more niche' than any Nintendo console as a gaming platform.

I don't think the NPD groups definition is entirely relevant or a source of truth in regards to a definition as it's not their primary purpose.

Nintendo's Core demographic exists and it is massive.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--