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Disney's terms frankly suck, I'm trying to imagine what Indiana Jones would be, if it's 9-18% of net sales (digital) like X-Men and this was pre-Bethesda being acquired, then Bethesda also adds on the 30% cut from digital transactions on PS Store and Xbox Store then Bethesda is looking at around 39-48% of their digital revenue being gobbled up by others...Now they're owned by Microsoft so Microsoft takes 100% of the cut on Xbox stores but I imagine with the less consoles sold and Game Pass, the terms for Indiana Jones are even worse than the terms for X-Men.

What's Disney going to ask for I wonder...LOL.

Thankfully Blade is FAR less popular than X-Men and Spider-Man so the terms are probably more fair there.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 December 2023