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Lets take a look at past PS consoles to get an idea how well PS is received in Japan.
PS5 is at 4.75M.
PS4 sold at 9.66M
PS3 sold at 10.47M.
PS2 sold at 23.18M.
PS1 sold at 21.59M.

Now I want to look at the percentage of each (comes from # sold in Japan/# sold worldwide).
PS5: 9.71%
PS4: 8.24%
PS3: 11.98%
PS2: 14.61%
PS1: 21.06%

Since Sony's direction to apply Western ideals, they have lost the appeal of their home country. The PS5 is in it's 4th year of selling, and the PS6 is rumor for 2027 (could be pushed to 2028). PS5 has about (Im gonna go with the later year for a basis of the maximum) 5 years. This year so far the PS5 has sold ~2.3M. If we assume PS5 will sell at least this well for the next 4 years thats an increase of 9.2M. But the PS5 won't be able to do forever, there is always a peak year and slowly decreases in sales. Let's say in in 2 years is the peak, and after it's peak year it sells -10% to 20% (based on Switch after peak years) compared to the year before. And PS4 is still selling, and probably will for another year, so lets say PS5 will sell 5 years into PS6 life. But once PS6 releases the drop will be -20% to -30% of a drop (maybe more).

I think the PS5 worldwide will sell 124M

Ok, so we have an idea. Loose idea, but an idea.

PS5 is at 4.75M + 2.3M (2024) + 2.3M (2025) + 2.07M (2026) + 1.86M (2027) + 1.49M (2028 PS6 releases) + 1.19M (2029) + 0.95M (2030) + 0.76M (2031) + 0.61M (2032) + 0.49M (2033 sold out) = 18.77M

18.77/124 = 15.13%
18.77M will be it's maximum if all goes well. If PS5 has already reached it's peak then it will reach 13.01M. 10.49%

Yes, PS5 will surpass the Wii (12.77M) just barely but it will. Do I want it to no, but I'm trying to be realistic.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.