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Heck, I'd be fine if Certain Affinity's MP was cancelled and instead reworked into a single-player only ODST 2, Lol.

I think 343 should focus on MP, Infinite's MP that is, and keep improving it, for all the stuff they've put into it now and all the effort to turn it around it'd be a shame to just toss it away a few years from now or whenever. People are already making Battle Royale's in Infinites Forge, Lol. I still don't understand why they didn't just add a Battle Royale into Infinite based on Infinite's Campaign map with some reworking.

Is a standalone BR going to hurt Infinite's player base as well?

I'd be fine with 343 focusing on MP for now and other studios working on single-player only Halo stories in the meantime, whilst 343 rebuilds their mainline Campaign team. Heck, I think I'd be fine if 343 just focuses on the MP whilst outsourcing the mainline Campaign to another studio, so one team can focus solely on MP and one team can focus solely on Campaign and they don't have to release together.

I'm sad about Slipspace going now seeing how they've finally sorted their stuff out with it and some rumours suggest that Slipspace itself is a problem but another problem was a lack of documentation on it so people had to learn themselves how to use it, so who knows if that is fixed how it will be. I'd be okay with 343 working on Slipspace Halo whilst allowing outsourced studios to work on Unreal Engine Halo (easier for them).