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I think the demands put onto modern day Halo are a bit much for what it should have on launch and I've said it before, I'm not excusing Halo Infinite's lack of content but you have a lot of complaints no matter what they miss. I think it's especially true when you take into account how development requires more of everything nowadays; more money, more staff, more time, more resources, etc.

Then if we also compare Halo to other competitors on the market and what they offer on launch but also the resources that they have compared to Halo, take Bungie who have over 1,000 employees and yet still screw up, essentially abandoned their PVP as well or COD which has thousands upon thousands of employees, multiple studios and even they screw up often.

Brutal truth is probably that Halo's popularity doesn't justify the level of resources required to meet the demands of everyone at launch.

Expectations for Halo on launch nowadays are...

  • Amazing PVP with a large Arena suite and a large BTB suite with dozens of maps, game modes and weapons, often complaints that old maps or weapons aren't in the game whilst coming up with entirely brand new weapon ideas in a Sci-Fi setting.
  • A robust Forge mode which has to become more and more complex every single release to offer the very best map making tools to the community.
  • A lengthy and large investment into the Campaign, a detailed story, highly cinematic, at least 8 hours long with a variety of locations.
  • I've seen many people complain about the lack of Firefight at launch despite it only being in launch for 2 Halo's (both spinoffs, Lol).
  • It needs a Split screen/Co-op system whilst also running at 60fps in a now open-world setting.
  • A detailed Custom Games option but also lately Custom Games Browser is slowly creeping into the "expected day one" because it's essential to promote Forge.
  • Theatre mode and Observer for the eSports stuff (speaking of eSports, they have to delicately balance the Casual and Competitive focus and often if one side isn't moaning, the other is, Lol).
  • Very detailed Customisation with hundreds of pieces of equipment and variety of combinations.
  • I've seen complaints that Playable Elites aren't in launch.
  • The gameplay of course has to be perfect and it has to delicately balance between old and new fans, you'll always have someone moaning about it not being a clone of Halo 3, now you have people moaning that it isn't Halo 5.
  • Graphically has to look amazing.
  • 343 will have to add new things to keep Halo fresh and up to date with competitors, for example when Halo Infinite first launched, I saw a lot of people bitching about it not having a Battle Royale, which they're now doing apparently.

It might be best for them to be split, if Campaign is ready then release Campaign, if Multiplayer is ready then release Multiplayer, one shouldn't be held back by the other and hopefully it will allow them to better focus on each aspect of Halo and dedicate the resources more precisely. I also don't really see the need of a new Halo MP in this current gen instead of just continuing to support Infinite's MP.

The only thing they need to do is drop Xbox One support eventually.

I'm also selfish because I want Halo Campaign's more so I don't want to wait for Halo's MP to be ready, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 December 2023