For now its Ukrainian defenders are holding on. The Russians might be "idiots" but they have "more of everything", Smaga said. That includes 40,000 troops massed on the Avdiivka salient, tanks, Soviet-era MT-LB armoured fighting vehicles and 152mm howitzers. Since late summer, less ammunition had been reaching his unit, Smaga said. "We have enough to defend from attack. But if they keep coming, we are going to need an awful lot more."
After nearly two years of all-out war, Ukrainian officers say there have no choice but to carry on fighting. "Putin doesn't want negotiations. Nor do we," said one, Yuriy Zubchak. "A lot of our guys have died. They have paid a huge price. If we stop now then for what?" Zubchak said his men were reconciled to a long conflict, defending Ukrainian homes and land. "We are not worried about Russia's infantry superiority. They are 140 million. What concerns us is they have more weapons," he said.
How long Avdiivka will remain a Ukrainian town is uncertain. The topic of withdrawal from Avdiivka is not being discussed, at least not publicly. In bitter winter, troops stand in icy trenches, warming themselves with homemade paraffin tins, lit by a candle. There are constant booms. "We will stand until the end," Smaga said. "If the west won't support us, Moscow will try to seize Kyiv again like in 2022. And then it will keep going."
Ru seethes and threatens Bulgaria over a domestic decision that has absolutely nothing to do w Ru’s security. A perfect illustration that Ru’s bellicosity towards its neighbours flows from imperialist entitlement rather than security concerns.
— Maria Popova (@PopovaProf) December 12, 2023
The Kremlin is starting to gloat that it is beating us – the west. If they feel like they can win by outlasting the political will of the United States and Europe about Ukraine, they will become much worse in the years to come, cocky and partially reconstituted. /2
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023
Why? Every time the Russians think that they have “won” in a conflict under Putin -- Georgia 2008, Ukraine 2014, Syria 2015 – they learn something about us – and they become overconfident in their abilities and in a few years they try bigger and bolder operations. /4
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023
If Russia were to conclude that their repetitive brute force methods and DIB can overcome western aid to Ukraine and outlast NATO political will and types of support- the outcome would be very dangerous, and it must not be allowed to happen. It could upend deterrence./6
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023
The most important reason to continue to fund security assistance to Ukraine is for Ukraine. They want to live free from Kremlin subjugation and brutality. They fight hard, they do not ask anyone to fight for them. Look what they've done already to the Russian army./8
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023
(The immediate response that came to mind was Gen. McAuliffe’s 1944 Christmas letter: “N U T S!” ) /10
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023
It is in our interests to continue supporting Ukraine for many reasons. Inaction at a critical time could lead once again to a vicious, regenerating, and overconfident Kremlin in the years ahead and would be a political and military catastrophe for all. /end
— Dara Massicot (@MassDara) December 11, 2023