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This is a year I can't say much about. Like I wrote last year the cracks have started to show again in my interest in gaming. Small cracks still though, and developing slowly, much more slowly than they did in the early 2000s, but WiiU and Nintendo by extension were basically on hiatus at this point because I was waiting for the "NX" and Zelda U. Like all us Nintendo fans were probably. On PC I kept playing what I had been playing with little change, every once in a while.

This year from the poll I only played Uncharted 4, and from the other list only Super Mario Run believe it or not. A mobile game. I'm almost ashamed of myself. That game was fun for like a half hour and then I never touched it again. This year was also when Planet Coaster released. Now, earlier Atari had announced the return of Rollercoaster Tycoon with RCT World. I was obviously extremely skeptical because this was going to have nothing to do with the originals and there had already been too many of my old favourite franchises butchered to count. This was proven rightly so when the first pictures and trailers were shown. It looked like nothing. So like SimCity 2013 this became laughable rather than sad, and Planet Coaster (made by the RCT3 devs) subsequently conquered the entire genre. The game itself is good as well. It is quite accessible, you can build what you want to build, there's loads of content, especially with the DLC and it has charm. However I wouldn't play it as much as I would have liked. I just couldn't bring myself to learn how to build what I wanted. It felt like a chore and I just wasn't motivated anymore. I guess I'm getting old.

Uncharted 4 on consoles though, was a lot more familiar. Just a great adventure game with some great locations, great puzzles and action, a fun story with fitting characters. It looks good, it sounds good, and I could just pick it up and play, and play it until it was done. If I have to critique it, I'd say it was a little too long, it overstayed its welcome and I almost lost interest, but I finished it. Still that was a personal feeling. An easy winner to me; my vote is Uncharted 4.