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NightF0x73 said:

How do you feel guys with Series Sales ?

I've been an Xbox 360 gamer since the beginning, and this console was part of my childhood and adolescence. I have a special attachment to the brand with the green X.

But when I see that the Series isn't doing as well as the One, even though I think they're much better machines, as well as the 35% drop in sales in the EU when Starfield was released, I'm afraid of one thing.

That Microsoft will go full PC and abandon consoles for good. I'm starting to get used to them between Kinect, Azure Kinect, Windows Phones, it's a lot.
Obviously, if that happens, it'll be time for me to build myself a war PC so I can continue to enjoy gamepass, but that would be a big turning point...

I hope I'm being pessimistic.

What is your feeling about it?

Surely you mean "full multiplatform" which I also don't believe they will do, full PC doesn't really make sense because they already are full PC, dropping consoles would only result in losing billions in revenue, profits and millions of Game Pass subscribers. The Kinect was just a peripheral so isn't really a fair comparison and Windows Phone didn't have 22 years of brand recognition built up and was in a way way worse position versus its competitors than Xbox is versus PlayStation and Nintendo. Even that being said, Satya is on record as saying he regrets killing Windows Phone so if he regrets that then he would surely regret killing Xbox hardware. Windows Phone wasn't nowhere near Android/iOS or Samsung/Apple.

Anyway, Xbox fans should accept that this generation is awash for Xbox hardware, the Xbox brand took a massive hit during the Xbox One era which they're still recovering from, their mindshare took a huge hit, when people or parents think nowadays what console should they get, it's a choice between PS or Switch among the casual market, Xbox still has its enthusiast market but the casual market who only buy consoles for things like COD/Fifa/Fortnite, etc, are already locked into the PlayStation ecosystem, they will buy consoles based on where their friends are playing, where their digital goods are and it's going to be extremely hard to punch through that mindset again.

Part of breaking through this would require likely an entire generation of high quality exclusive releases (hurt a little by the fact that they do PC day one but there's still a big enough console ease of access market) but it's not going to be like "oh we had a year of great releases, we're saved!" as Phil said, one game alone won't turn around their fortunes, they'll need dozens of them, an entire generation of good exclusives, to start to improve their mindset again amongst the casual audience but they'll also need multiple exclusives which have mass market appeal. I don't believe good exclusives are the main reason people buy consoles but it'll help to improve Xbox's mindshare along with better marketing and localisation.

Anyway, I let Xbox worry about the hardware business, there is nothing I can do or say which can change things, so I'm relatively "meh" about it, as long as they continue to sell enough and the business is profitable (which it is) I believe they will stick with hardware, it's not a main focus but it is a cornerstone of the overall business which now has multiple avenues to make money, the console is a sure bet in making money, not via the hardware itself but selling subscriptions, locking people into a digital ecosystem, digital transactions, etc. So to remove it would be a big risk, I think as long as there is a big enough console audience (tens of millions) which provide a large enough combination of MAU + Subscriptions + Digital Transactions, the console will remain.

In the meantime, I'm very much enjoying the things that actually affect me right now which are the games and as a result of their massive reinvestment into games, I will be a happy gamer for a number of years, if a day comes where Xbox hardware does cease to exist (which I don't think is happening anytime soon, we have at least one more generation) then I will swap to PC but there ain't nobody aside from the most hardcore using Windows Store over Steam right now, Lol. I'd probably only use Windows Store to keep my Xbox profile, all those achievements, etc.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 December 2023