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Solid year, with some games that I waited for and delivered, some not, and some that surprised me.

The Witness was something I really looked forward to, and for the most part it delivered.

I enjoyed Dark Souls III a lot, although, out of DS games, it is my least favourite.

No Man's Sky blew my mind when it was announced, with all the references to great Sci-fi book covers from the past - unfortunately, it took years after the launch and a lot of free expansions to actually get to the point where it was supposed to be at launch.

As a fan of ICO and Shadow of Colossus, I was looking forward to The Last Guardian, but I still haven't played it, so I can't comment on that one, unfortunately.

INSIDE was a mixed bag for me - I liked that it's longer than LIMBO, but I found both puzzles and setting to be more engaging for me in LIMBO.

DOOM was so-so. I hoped for the structure of Doom 1/2, but this reboot was more of an arena shooter. Somewhat fun, but nowhere near as I hoped for.

Dishonored 2 was good, just not as good as the first one, IMO.

I liked Firewatch quite a bit, it was giving off X-Files vibes throughout most of the game...until it turned out that story was just a red herring, turning the end into a completely mundane affair.

Hitman started its reboot in 2016. As a fan of the original (and then dropping it with Hitman 2 for allowing you to go in guns blazing), it turned out to be very good and faithful to its core gameplay principles. Really underappreciated game.

CRPGs had another really good release - Tyranny. It is quite unique game, where it is degrees of evil you do, not whether you do it.

Another very good year for indies - Hyper Light Drifter, Darkest Dungeon, The Banner Saga 2, Salt and Sanctuary (one of the best 2D Souls-alikes).

Then there's Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, for all the fans of Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, set in medieval Japan and bringing some fresh ideas to the genre.

My favourite game from this year is (sorry DS III) Overcooked, a local coop kitchen "simulation" game. And I'm saying "simulation" because this is pure frantic arcade fun for up to 4 players.

But my vote for GotY goes to Superhot (and one of my favourite games of that year), FPS where time flows only when you move. I like it in VR as well, but I actually prefer the standard version, which gives you more freedom of movement. This is one of those games that you're suspicious about, until you try it, and then you're instantly hooked.

Honourable mention for this year goes to VR title Arizona Sunshine, one of the first big VR sellers. Beside being quite fun to play (zombies and all), it is my go-to game when I test the feel, precision and tracking of new VR systems (since I have experience on 4 different systems with it).