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Another slow year of iterations until October came around.

We did finally get to play the long awaited The Last Guardian. Love it, but it ranks below Ico and SotC which are both in my top 10, currently TLG sits at #21 in my top 50. I was playing through it again on PS5 without the fps drops but got distracted, still played through it twice on PS4 pro.

The VR teaser was great as well. I wish they would have continued and make the full game for VR.

Uncharted 4 was also great. I still find Uncharted 2 the best of the bunch, however Uncharted 4 had plenty highs as well and not really any lows. Well I might change my mind yet, looking through my screenshots I wouldn't mind replaying U4 again. Definitely stands above the 3rd and 1st one.

From lots of fun with the jeep

To roaming around a crowded village

Epic storm

And some actual chemistry on screen, these 2 deserve another outing imo

Shout out to No Man's Sky. I already enjoyed it for what it was at release and it only kept on building on top of it. Looks great on PSVR2 as well after they added  eye tracked foveated rendering. Sure the galaxy wasn't as interesting to explore as in Elite Dangerous and felt too samey after a while. But it did have good variety in worlds and interesting story lines to uncover.

Fire Watch also came out in 2016, I only played that a few years ago. Great game!

Superhot was also very cool, even better in VR though! But that came in 2017.

Yes from October on I was completely hooked on PSVR, bought the ps4 pro a month later as well to get the most out of it.
Rez Infinite blew my mind, it's perfect in VR. The boss battle with the 'running man' is a highlight I enjoy replaying any time. And then there's Area X

Playing that again on PSVR2 had my jaw hit the floor again. The now crystal clear HDR graphics still make it stand out as one of the most impressive experiences in VR. It's a 20 minute level or so at most, but pure awesomeness.

My vote goes to other "Rez Infinite".

If that doesn't count (since Rez released in 2001) my vote goes to Thumper, incredible rhythm game.

PSVR renewed my interest in gaming and made me feel like I was back in '98 again. So many new experimental games.
Back to RE4 on PSVR2 now :)