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PotentHerbs said:
Leynos said:

Shows what Platinum can do with some horsepower. (they only did the boss fights) I love Bayo and the relationship with Nintendo but I do want to see them make an action game with a legit budget on modern consoles and PC.

Credit to Platinum, but the last console game they put out was Babylon's Fall, an all time low stinker lol. 

It is an outlier from their output in terms of quality though, so I do wonder what kind of development struggles it may of had. 

Babylon Fall was on SE. Remember SE has published a lot of stinkers last few years. SE managed a lot of projects badly. Bab was supposed to be a different game and SE asked for it to be Gaas late in development and the publisher rushed it out. The same SE that gave us Forspoken. The Quiet Man. Avengers. Left Alive. The same company that sold off a studio for 300 million for NFTs then the NFT market died and that studio sold the Tomb Raider IP for 600 million. The same SE that made an exclusive FF16 deal with Sony then complained that FF16 was underperforming at launch.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!