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The WiiU had 2 games that got significant playtime from me. Smash and Mario Maker. Both are games that did not get ports on switch but instead new installments very similar to the game on WiiU. Smash Ultimate is more and better without really missing anything from the WiiU game. Mario Maker 2 is also more and better, however it does miss a few things. The WiiU gamepad worked better for the purpose of creating levels than the switch and the amibos customs made for more creations of themed maps based on the customs.
Mario maker get my vote for this year. It was the only game I felt benefitted from WiiUs console design. Even if most people are not good level creators, the amount of them with golden nuggets here and there make it a game one can play for hours and hours.

I do not know if I was out of touch from gaming during this time period. But I do not even know what most games released are.