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Put my vote in for Mario Kart 8 during the last five minutes after checking to see if anything I loved was missing from the excellent Other Games list. Considering the fun I had with Mario Kart 8 and then the additions and changes made to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe it felt a bit like I was voting for two different games in one. Seriously the changes made even without the booster tracks gives each game a unique feel.

My favourite piece of Mario Kart 8 trivia was when someone at Crytek made the silly joke that Wii U was the most powerful console and they were bringing something to Wii U. Anyway the comment went viral after a while with a lot of people like me catching on a little late and not realising it was probably an April Fools joke. So then Mario Kart 8 comes out and for one month Wii U is the best selling console and plenty of people had a good laugh as they jokingly gave Crytek the credit.