Chazore said:
Despite R* having free reign to do as they wish, they still ultimately have to answer to T2. Have you seen T2's president and the way he talks business?. Anything R* has been doing the past 13 years fits his exact viewpoints. I'm not pointing fingers per say, more basing it on the observation of how their parent company acts and operates with how their subsidiary emulates said ideals. Remember the time when people were cheating to earn infinite money, and how that posted a direct threat to the sales of the shark cards?, funny how they scrambled to have that sorted out and well, no single player content for GTA V, or care for RDR 2 online or even any sort of expansion, but no, the shark cards were their main concern above all else (which fits into T2's president's focus on live service cashflow). We can say R* "wished" for this or that, but none of that really matters when you still have to answer to a CEO, president or anyone else up the ladder, and well, the past 5 years have told us that it's always that lot pulling the strings, making the worst decisions that only involve more and more money. |
I'm well aware of how Zelnick works, you don't need to tell me about it.
But I also know that Rockstar is the one that send an email to the former developer that woirked there during GTA 3 to San Andreas telling him to stop talking about his time at the company because that damaged its image (here's the link to the article in case you didn't read it when I posted it in the news).
And I also know that Rockstar are the ones that decided to port Red Dead Redemption to Switch and PS4 this same year but decided to not port it to PC, despite the fact that many PC gamers haven't played the game and that PS4 is not only old news at this point, but also that many of its players were able to play it on PS3. Or do you really think that Take Two wouldn't have liked to port it to PC, where there's a bigger audience and target for the game?
So, I'm sorry if I don't hold Rockstar in a pedestal, but that's not how they really are. They have lights and shadows, like every other company in the world.
Please excuse my bad English.
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