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Also, it annoys me a little how a show which is meant to celebrate developers relies so heavily on outside celebrities, I have nothing against Matthew, Simu, etc, but when people who have been involved in like 1-2 games and are 99% known for being a celebrity in an entirely different sector get more stage time than some of the actual developer winners. Josh is right, the show is desperate for validation from outside celebrities.

Matthew will likely do this gig then forget all about it the next day, Lmao.

Why are we not celebrating all the veterans and celebrities of our industry? Okay, people may not know them but lets get to know them! Let them speak! People won't know them if you constantly bring in external celebrities to waffle on. It's feels a bit like them going "we don't have anyone big enough in the gaming industry so lets use film stars instead" It feels like we're the Oscars sometimes, Lol.

Actually someone should calculate how much Matthew, Simu, Peele, Cast of Fallout spoke for in comparison to actual developers, Lol.

The only industry veteran Geoff allows to speak is Kojima, Lol.

Fucking "Best RPG" and "Fighter" didn't even get a speech, Lmfao.

Good show for announcements, trash show for celebrating developers.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 December 2023