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Hmm no 2014 game in my top 50, weak year overall.

I did enjoy DriveClub a lot, however the launch was delayed and still a disaster then after they redeemed themselves the studio got closed, smh.

The rain effects are still unmatched today

Sadly the rain effects, nor the motorbikes made it to VR. It was great to race in VR yet very blurry with huge cutbacks to detail. To be able to play the full game on PSVR2 would be amazing, yet the studio is closed, will never happen.

Wolfenstein The new Order was kinda fun. Over the top story, not taking itself seriously. Popcorn flick material.

Dark Souls 2 was kinda meh. Very hard at the start (died tons of times) then very easy. Still good but not as good as Dark Souls and then I lost interest in the series. Despite having bought Bloodborne, Demon Souls Remake and Elden Ring, still haven't started any of them yet :/

Infamous Second Son was also enjoyable, short and forgettable though.

Looking back at my screenshots, actually a better city than Miles Morales (currently playing)
The powers were fun, maybe I should play it again some time.

Alien Isolation was very good, sadly it had a progression preventing bug. I had to go a few chapters back to rush through one chapter hoping it wouldn't deadlock again the next chapter. After a few attempts it finally continued.

Great tense gamplay. However The Alien was pretty predictable though (after redoing whole chapters over multiple times) and the excursion part to the other ship wasn't as good as the first part of the game. Still high on my list of wanted VR remakes :)

Again this year indies impressed me more. Loved the gameplay and art style of Child of Light

The Talos Principle is a great puzzler, I need to make time to play the sequel.

The Vanishing of Ethan Cart was jaw dropping, like walkign through a painting

My goty of 2014 is Transistor, incredible from start to finish

And Transistor has the best end credits song ever, Paper Boats

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 07 December 2023