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KLXVER said:
TheMisterManGuy said:

It's not necessarily a bad strategy in theory. But the way Nintendo did it in the GameCube era felt very desperate. Anytime Nintendo tried to be cool or irreverent, it always gave off an air of "Don't forget us! We're cool too!... Come back to us please!" But given the GameCube's design and the direction some of its games took (Wind Waker in particular), nobody took these attempts seriously. All most people saw was a purple lunchbox trying way too hard to look edgier than it actually was.

If you're wondering why Nintendo went in the "Blue Ocean" direction after the GCN, this is a big reason why.

Yeah, they were desperate for sure. It was a bit of an awkward time for Nintendo. I would say Nintendo was trying to be edgy with the N64 at times as well. They just gave up and depended more on third parties to fill that void with the Wii, WiiU and Switch. Which is probably the better option...although I would like to see some more mature Nintendo games.

If this is what they thought edge was in the '90s then it's like a Christian dad acting like Christian rock is metal lol

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!