You would have to make a different game entirely to make that work. First, the art style needs to be consistent. A big problem with the first. Smash Bros does that so well. They should probably abandon the very notion of trying to be anything like Smash. It never succeeds outside of Smash bros. What they could do is 1 of 2 things. Take the SEGA Fighters Megamix approach in making a traditional fighting game (you can fight a car in that game so don't tell me it can't work) or a better choice. Power Stone. Delv deeper on the Sony IPs and rely less on 3rd party stuff esp to promote an upcoming game. For 3rd party get the right Dante. Get Cloud, not Big Daddy. Finally, contract a Japanese studio that knows how to make good games like that. Why not Capcom themselves? With the exception of MK the west generally sucks at fighting games.