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Pinkie_pie said:
Shtinamin_ said:

I said I take rumors with a grain of salt, and that I dislike getting rumors and leaks as well (it ruins the fun, and I don't like to get the future spoiled).
But the rumors that have come out are very credible. Yes, considering DLSS and ray tracing. It very well could be.
Nintendo hasn't tried to make a next gen console since the Gamecube, and they did. It was more powerful that the PS2 and Xbox 360, but their audience didnt match the audience of the 3rd party developers. Same with the WiiU, which is another reason why both flopped. With the Switch the 3rd party developers made a business decision to not put anything on the Switch immediately due to the worry that the Switch will flop, like the WiiU did.

Rockstar has started to show some respect to the Switch, by putting out their older software titles that sold well, L.A. Noire, GTA The Definitive Edition and Red Dead Redemption. This is to test the waters and see just what kind of audience the Switch has accumulated over these 7 years. 

After they see what the audience looks like they will make their decision to either distribute to NG or not. I personally think that they will decide to support the NG.

Where did 0.071% come from?

The wii surely didn't flop why didn't Rockstar port GTA5 for the wii U launch? So they waited to see if the switch would flop or not but it end up being one of the most popular consoles ever and still they wouldn't port GTA 5. Shouldn't they also wait to see how successful Nintendo next console would be before porting it instead of making it a launch title? Rockstar never released a GTA game for a launch console, they didn't even bother porting any of the GTA games for the GameCube, Wii, Wii U . They ported the GTA trilogy sure but maybe that was because they were PS2 games and it didn't take much effort to do so and that the switch was so popular. We don't even know if Nintendo's next console would flop or not or if it could even run gta6. All of this adds up to the 0.007% chance that GTA6 would be a launch title for Nintendo next console

Nintendo's audience is not the same audience as Rockstar, especially a game franchise like GTA VI. Killing, Stealing, Gangs, sexual content, etc. That does not scream family friendly in any aspect of the GTA franchise of what its become.

That's why they are porting the GTA The Definitive Edition to the Switch, to see if the audience has grown outside of the common family friendly ideology Nintendo presents itself as.

Your math is weird cause my math says theres a 73.4% (did you forget to move the decimal place?) chance that GTA VI is on the NG. Will it launch on the NG, no. Most likely it will release 6 month later, with the PC and Steam Deck.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.