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Jaicee said:

Hey no fair! I accidentally clicked on the wrong bubble and can't undo my vote!

From the remaining options, I'd meant to vote for Journe,y but accidentally selected the bubble above it for Diablo III; a game that I never played. Sorry Liquid Laser, but could you mentally add another Journey vote onto whatever the final tally is if you can?

Well anyway, since we're on an "anything but X" kick, I'll chip in that, out of the remaining games here that I've played, ZombiU was my least favorite. This is one of the games I often hear offered as people's big sales pitch for why the Wii U's Game Pad controller needed to exist. It's not much of a case, people. The Game Pad was just Nintendo trying to bring their once-popular dual-screen fad to the home console market and them and others building a bunch of games around it. Sony made a comparable mistake with the PlayStation Vita. People were broadly exhausted with these gimmicks by that time, or at least with companies leaning so heavily on them. So was I. I'd rather something else win.

The WiiU game pad was very handy as a map/inventory screen while keeping the TV screen clutter free. I loved it in Lego City Undercover for how it used the gamepad. Use the touch screen on the gamepad to set a waypoint on the map, so much better than dragging a cursor around with analog controls. Also Super Mario Maker was brilliant to build levels on the gamepad then test them out on the tv. I miss that a lot on Switch.

It was a much more useful 'gimmick' than waggle controls :/ For example a second screen with touch screen controls would make a game like BG3 much more manageable on console. WiiU's marketing was a disaster though. Leaning on gimmicks (use it as a tv remote...) and failing to make clear that it was a new console, not a peripheral.

I've also used the WiiU gamepad for Wii Fit+ while watching TV. Yet never felt compelled to play ZombieU, did not look appealing at all.