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TheMisterManGuy said:
Soundwave said:

Nobody knows what the hell Snipperclips is, it's like on a list of "most important Switch titles" it wouldn't even made the top 150. 

The point is, the Switch is far from a "core gamer" focused device as evidenced by the other examples I gave. If Nintendo wanted to make a console primarily aimed at hardcore gamers, it'd be something more akin to the Steam Deck. Big, complicated, insanely powerful. But they didn't, they went with a small dockable tablet with candy-coated mini-wiimotes that you can share with a friend. That's about the furthest thing from a "Core gamer" focused device as you can get.

First of all it's not "candy-coated" it's neon, a much more adult-oriented color scheme.  Newsflash:  just because something has color doesn't automatically make it "for kids."