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burninmylight said:
Shtinamin_ said:

What do you mean by cheating? How does one cheat in the systems selling ways?

I dont think that combining two systems into one is cheating. In fact, I think that this potentially cut into total sales for the 8th generation of gaming consoles for Nintendo. If Nintendo didn't make the Switch a home/handheld combo but just a home console and still appealed to young, old and new fans, the Switch would have most likely sold close to 100 million consoles, much like the Wii. Since Switch would be their home consoles, they would have sold a new handheld (Im gonna call it NH). This NH would have most likely sold a minimum of 80 million, near 3DS numbers. 
Since it's just the Switch, they might be selling maybe 150 million or 160 million (at most) consoles.

Making one console was a huge step for Nintendo, a big risk, and made game development way easier to handle. We will always be able to count on Nintendo for one thing: their ability to innovate technology, and make gaming fun and family friendly.

I have a hard time seeing a Nintendo console strictly tied to a wall outlet and television going back to Wii numbers after the Wii U. I also have a hard time seeing a Nintendo home console outselling its contemporary handheld counterpart, seeing as how that's never happened.

Maybe I misread and you meant the Switch Home would sell around 20 million while the Switch handheld would be around 80 million, but that's still dozens of millions less than what the real Switch today has sold, and that number is still growing higher by the day!

What would be the hook to sell these new separate consoles on? Many of us thought the Switch would originally be just that, but you'd be able to take the same game card/digital download and have complete crossplay between both systems, so let's go with that. That means that you'd still have a home console Switch that has to be underpowered enough to keep most games in the ballpark to allow the NH to share the games, otherwise Nintendo is betraying its selling point. That sounds like a way more enticing proposition than the Wii U, but not enough to get 100 million people to buy a vastly underpowered Switch Home. At least in my opinion.

Welcome to the forums!

Thank you for the welcome.

Sorry, my thoughts get jumbled. I hope I can get my idea across.
I was wondering how combining the handheld and the home console was cheating. And I began to give my thoughts on why I thought it wasn't and in fact was a bad play (only in terms of how many units get sold), and then I go to explain that there were benefits to combining the two from a business point. Like most things, each thing has its positives and negatives.

I was saying that if there was a pure Home Switch (im gonna call this HS), and a pure handheld (which ill call NH), then the total amount of units sold would have been vastly different from what the reality of the Switch is doing now (Im really glad the Switch is selling 133+ million and I hope it reaches 160+). I was saying that the HS would sell almost equal to the Wii in terms of units, and the NH would be selling almost on par with the 3DS.
I make this assumption because the handheld market was oversaturated with DS, and 3DS. Everyone that wanted one got one, but there can be made a counterargument that the next generation wants a handheld, which is understandable. That's why I say it'll sell near the 3DS' total. There will be hard core fans (about 20-30 million) who buy it, and then 60-70+ million who buy it for their growing child (9-14 years old).
I hope that made sense.

I never made any speculation on what Nintendo would even do if it still had a dedicated home and handheld console, and honestly I don't want to think about what gimmick/ new innovation it would have because I'm not Nintendo. They do some whacky stuff.
And yes, I agree it would be detrimental and underpowered to do what you said, but I dont know what they would have done.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.