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After a pretty good 2011, 2012 had a lot less to my liking.

Borderlands 2 I played on PSVR, still didn't keep me going with it. It even supported the AIM controller, but VR doesn't make everything amazing. After 130 hours in VR on Skyrim, Borderlands 2 fell flat for me.

Mass Effect 3 I was already turned off by the combat in the demo. Then the ending controversy came out, skipped.

Diablo 3 was OK, felt very grindy though and I can't remember whether I finished it. Probably not.

Halo 4 I did enjoy. The campaign that is, played through it twice. The first Halo I actually finished :)

Far Cry 3 was good, actually my favorite in the series with the over the top story. Great map with plenty little things to find. And watching fire spread was pretty cool.

Max Payne 3 also delivered with its whacky story. Great gameplay still intact, very enjoyable.

Assasin's Creed 3 was hit and miss. Some good stuff, some bad. At least they turned the good stuff into Black Flag, my favorite AC game.

Dishonered was the star of the AAA games for 2011. It has some rough edges but damn do I wish to play a game like that in VR. Sneaking around felt great, peeking though key holes, stealth take downs. The game was meant for VR. The blink mechanic alone says enough ;)

Yet 2012's best games were indies.

TWD felt fresh, original and at least on the first play-through it held up the illusion of choice very well.

Of course on a repeat play-through it turned out most of the choices don't really matter, but it was still nice to see the small alternative outcomes.

Fez made it to my top 50 games, what a great puzzle game.

Great soundtrack, so many nostalgia vibes. And it got me into taking notes again to figure out the language and other puzzles.

My nr 1 for 2012 and also in my top 50, Journey!

Amazing soundtrack, and the best co-op experiences ever. I played through the game over 20 times, each time different with different players. Helping out new players or exploring hidden areas with seasoned veterans, keeping each other in the air with well timed 'pings'. From speed runs to hours of exploring areas you shouldn't be able to reach or skipping steps by working together. Journey is a small piece of perfection.